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The success of any agility trial depends on volunteers, both from the hosting club and exhibitors from attending clubs. Sign-up sheets for the various positions will be displayed at the trial, but if you have a favorite position that you want to lock in, click on the link below. It will take you to a Google Docs page where you can fill in your name (scroll down for all three days); we'll print out the sheets for the trial. If at the trial you discover that there is a conflict (maybe your dog is running in that class, for example), don't worry; everything is flexible.

If you're new to helping out at an agility trial, don't be intimidated –– most of the positions require only minimum training, and working on them will give you an inside perspective on all the many facets that go into making the excitement in the ring happen. PLUS: volunteers get chances to win gift cards!

© 2016 by Deep South All Breed Dog Obedience Training Club, Inc.

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